A unique and enriching 3-day trip to the foothills of Mt. Fuji in early spring to experience Japan's natural beauty, culture, history, and daily life.
You will go to Numazu City, located between the foot of Mt. Fuji and Suruga Bay, and spend three days staying at the home of members of the Fuji no Kuni ISSA or at a temple, experiencing the daily life of Japanese people. You will enjoy spectacular views of Mt. Fuji from the highland, offshore island and gardens. Visit various scenic spots and historical sites.
go hiking at the foot of Mt. Fuji. You can also experience zazen meditation, tea ceremony, and mochi pounding.
This tour is specially planned and provided by the Fuji no Kuni ISSA for the benefit of TUFS students. The participation fee is only 10,000 yen, which includes all accommodation, meals, entrance fees, and a chartered bus for the three days. However, only 15 Students can participate.
Don't miss this opportunity and hurry to apply.
1 日 時:3月1日(金)11:00(JR三島駅集合)
2 場 所: 沼津市およびその周辺。富士山麓。
3 参加費:10,000円 (三島駅までの往復交通費は別途自己負担)
4 定 員:留学生15名(先着順)
5 参加方法
(1)希望者は、申し込みフォーム に必要事項を記入して送信する。
申込期限 2月6日12時 終了しました
第1回説明会 日時:2月6日(火)14:00~15:00
第2回説明会 日時:2月20日(火)14:00~15:00
6 注 意
この件についての問合せ先: 留学生支援の会 Mail:support@tufsissa.com
Outline of Fuji no Kuni Tour for International Student
1. Date: March 1st (Friday) 11:00 (Meet at JR Mishima Station)
~March 3rd (Sunday) 17:00 (dismissed at Mishima Station)
2. Location: Numazu City and surrounding areas. The foot of Mt. Fuji.
3 Participation fee: 10,000 yen
4 Capacity: 15 international students
5 How to participate
(1) Fill out the application form and send it.
deadline February 6th 12:00 Closed
(2) Attend the first briefing session on February 6th, listen to the explanation of the trip, and after confirming your intention to participate, pay the participation fee of 10,000 yen.
First briefing session Date and time: February 6th (Tuesday) 14:00-15:00
Venue:ISSA Contact Room
(3) Students who have paid the participation fee will be registered as participants and given a participation certificate.
(4) Attend the second Briefing session on February 20th, obtain the latest information you need, and prepare for your trip.
Second briefing session Date and time: February 20th (Tuesday) 14:00-15:00
Venue: Support Group Liaison Office
(5) On March 1st, we will meet at Tama Station at 8:30 or at Tokyo Station at 9:30.
Then, take the Shinkansen to JR Mishima Station.
6 Notes
(1) A round-trip ticket to JR Mishima Station costs approximately 6,500 yen. Please purchase this at your own expense.
(2) On March 1st, you must leave your home at 8:00 am.
For inquiries about this matter, please contact: ISSA Mail:support@tufsissa.com